New Office Location

01 Jan 2023
We would like to inform you that we have moved our address from the old location to the new location.
  • The old office location was at Rukan Crown Blok A No.09.Green Lake City RT 01/RW 14 Petir Village, Cipondoh District, Tangerang - Banten Indonesia (15147),
  • Moved to a new office location with the address Rukan CBD H/23, Green Lake City, Desa Gondrong, Cipondoh District, Tangerang - Banten Indonesia (15146).

Kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa kami telah memindahkan alamat kami dari lokasi lama ke lokasi baru.
  • Lokasi kantor lama di Rukan Crown Blok A No.09.Green Lake City RT 01/RW 14 Kelurahan Petir, Kecamatan Cipondoh, Tangerang - Banten Indonesia (15147),
  • Pindah lokasi kantor baru dengan alamat Rukan CBD H/23, Green Lake City, Desa Gondrong, Kecamatan Cipondoh, Tangerang - Banten Indonesia (15146).